Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Belajar dari Kemajuan dan Kemunduran Suatu Negara

Fakta-Fakta tentang Korea Selatan:

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  • Korea Selatan pernah mengalami kehancuran pada masa penjajahan Jepang(1910-1945),pemisahan bangsa Korea oleh sekutu(1945) dan Perang Korea(1950-1953),yang mengorbankan jutaan korban jiwa dan menghancurkan semua fasilitas industri dalam negerinya.
  • Korea Selatan memiliki keterbatasan sumber daya alam.
  • Sadar akan keterbatasan sumber daya alamnya,Korea Selatan mengembangkan sumber daya manusia untuk meningkatkan  perekonomian dan industrinya.
  • Setelah mengalami masa perang yang berkepanjangan,Korea Selatan menjalankan program pembangunan ekonomi yang dinamakan "Miracle on the Hangang River".
  • Program ekonomi ini dicetuskan oleh presidenPark Chung Hee(1963-1979),di mana salah satu8 strateginya adalah pembangunan ekonomi beriorientasi ekspor.
  • Kini Korea Selatan menjadi salah satu negara maju di kawasan Asia selain Jepang dan Tiongkok.
  • Korea Selatan terkenal dengan budaya K-Pop atau"Hallyu" (Gelombang Korea) yang sedang menyebar keseluruh belahan dunia.
  • Dengan adanya Hallyu, banyak orang ingin mempelajari bahasa dan budaya Korea Selatan.
  • Tidak hanya budaya pop-nya saja,Korea Selatan juga terkenal dengan industri elektroniknya seperti Samsung dan LG,serta industri lokomotifnya seperti Hyundai dan KIA.

Bagaimana gaya hidup orang Korea sehingga mereka bisa semaju ini?
Perkembangan dan kemajuan Korea Selatan tidak terlepas dari: 

  • Visi pemimpin negaranya.
  • Peran masyarakatnya sendiri lebih mementingkan urusan kenegaraan dibandingkan dengan urusan pribadi.
  • Karakter masyarakatnya yang bekerja keras,disiplin,serta mempunyai rasa nasionalisme yang tinggi.
  • Menjunjung tinggi ideologi,tradisi dan kebiasaan yang menciptakan identitas nasional.
  • Memiliki rasa nasionalisme yang tinggi (masyarakat Korea Selatan sangat mencintai tanah airnya yang diwujudkan dengan mencintai produk,perushaan,dan budayanya sendiri,sehingga dapat berjaya di dalam negeri sekaligus di luar negeri).Memiliki"self-confidence",kepercayaan diri bangsanya yang begitu tinggi.Oranga Korea Selatab terkenal tangguh,ulet,dan percaya diri,mereka tak hanya pandai meniru kemajuan negara lain,namun juga dengan bekal keuletan dan kepercayaan diri yang tinggi,mereka berhasil mendongkrak kreativitas serta"mengekspor" kemajuan teknologi dan budayanya ke negara lain.Saat ini,siapa yang tak kenal Samsung,LG,Hyundai,KIA dan merek-merek Korea lainnya?Tak hanya industrinya,bahkan virus budaya pop Korea,"K-Pop",pun berhasil merambah berbagai belahan dunia.
  • Anak-anak Korea Selatan terbiasa digembleng dengan jiwa kompetitif ditanamkan sejak dini pada setiap anak-anak di sekolah sejak level dasar sesuai minat dan bakatnya.
  • Penanaman nilai kejujuran dan keuletan.
Image result for gambar bendera timur tengahB.NEGARA TIMUR TENGAH 

Selain belajar dari negara maju,kita juga dapat mengambil pelajaran dari negara yang mengalami kemunduran.
  • Libya,Irak,Afganistan,Suriah,merupakan negara Timur Tengah yang hancur karena isu yang ditunggangi politik agama.
  • Isu hoaks dan agama dipakai untuk memporak-porandakan pondasi negara-negara tersebut.
  • Belajar dari negara-negara tersebut,terutama pada Suriah,kita paham bahwa keberagaman itu sangat mahal harganya dan isu agama perlu diwaspadai bersama-sama.
    Image result for gambar persatuan dan kesatuan
  • Jangan pernah percaya dengan siapapun yang membawa jargon agama untuk saling membenci orang yang berbeda paham.
  • Agama tidak mengajarkan kebencian tapi kasih sayang.
  • Kita tak ingin bernasib sama dengan apa yang terjadi sekarang di Suriah.
  • Syukuri kemerdekaan ini dengan hidup damai.
  • Itulah wujud rasa terima kasih kita kepada pejuang kemerdekaan negeri ini.
Dia yang bukan saudaramu dalam iman,adalah saudara dalam kemanusiaan.
"Agama bukan untuk membenci,karena puncak dari agama sendiri adalah cinta❤"

Monday, November 11, 2019


Image result for bunnyRabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha (along with the hare and the pika). Oryctolagus cuniculus includes the European rabbit species and its descendants, the world's 305 breeds[ of domestic rabbitSylvilagus includes 13 wild rabbit species, among them the 7 types of cottontail. The European rabbit, which has been introduced on every continent except Antarctica, is familiar throughout the world as a wild prey animal and as a domesticated form of livestock and pet. With its widespread effect on ecologies and cultures, the rabbit (or bunny) is, in many areas of the world, a part of daily life—as food, clothing, a companion, and as a source of artistic inspiration.(from:wikipedia)

How to keep your rabbit stay healthy:

1.Make sure your rabbit get clean water to drink.

2.Give your rabbit dry grass,carrot,seledry,and another fresh


3.Rabbit can live out and in a room.Make sure your house safe from a dangerous animal.

4.Give your rabbit place to jump.

5.Check your rabbit's bed every day.


Image result for catCat is a small carnivorous mammal. It is the only domesticatedspecies in the family Felidae and often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from wild members of the family.The cat is either a house cat or a farm cat, which are pets, or a feral cat, which ranges freely and avoids human contact. A house cat is valued by humans for companionship and for its ability to hunt rodents. About 60 cat breeds are recognized by various cat registries.
The cat is similar in anatomy to the other felid species, has a strong flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp teeth and retractable claws adapted to killing small prey. Its night visionand sense of smell are well developed. Cat communication includes vocalizations like meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling and grunting as well as cat-specific body language. It is a solitary hunter, but a social species. It can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small mammals. It is a predator that is most active at dawn and dusk.It secretes and perceives pheromones.
Female domestic cats can have kittens from spring to late autumn, with litter sizes ranging from two to five kittens.Domestic cats are bred and shown as registeredpedigreed cats, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control breeding of pet cats byspaying and neutering, as well as abandonment of pets, resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide, contributing to the extinction of entire bird species, and evokingpopulation control.
It was long thought that cat domestication was initiated in Egypt, because cats in ancient Egypt were venerated since around 3100 BC.However, the earliest indication for the taming of an African wildcat (F. lybica) was found in Cyprus, where a cat skeleton was excavated close by a human Neolithic grave dating to around 7500 BC. African wildcats were probably first domesticated in the Near East.
As of 2017, the domestic cat was the second-most popular pet in the U.S. by number of pets owned, after freshwater fish,with 95 million cats owned. In the United Kingdom, around 7.3 million cats lived in more than 4.8 million households as of 2019.(from:wikipedia)

How to keep your cat:
1.Make sure your cat get a clean water to drink.
2.Ask to the vet the food that healthy for your cat.
3.Bring your cat periodically.
4.Comb your cat fur if your cat has long fur.
5.Give your cat name neklace.

My favourite book#2

My favourite book

We'll talk about my favourite book again-,-...I have more book that I like..

Image result for charlie and the chocolate factory
This book is written by Roald Dahl.The main character is Charlie,the poor children that live with his big family that contains his grandma and grandpa from his mother and his grandma and grandpa from his father.


This book is written by Carolyn Keene. The main character is Nancy Drew and her best friend that named George and Bess.They make a club that named Clue Crew.They solve a case and mystery together,so this book is perfectly fit for the mystery lover.

The history of Emoji

The history of Emoji

Emoji is a normal things that we use at the whatsapp or another app.Here is the video that show you about the history of the emoji and here is the explaining of what is the emoji...
Emoji are ideograms and smileys used in electronic messages and web pages. Emoji exist in various genres, including facial expressions, common objects, places and types of weather, and animals. They are much like emoticons, but emoji are actual pictures instead of typographics.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

My Favourite Book#1

I have some,but I don't have all of the 

My Favourite Book

we aren't talking about game because my recommended game have used up,so we'll talk about my second hobby and that is reading:).By the way,my first hobby is play game at handphone.I have some book that I like and maybe you will like it.
Image result for wimpy kid book

I think all of you know this book.This book is popular because it is funny.This book is made by Jeff Kinney.The main character was Greggory or called Greg.Greg has a friend that named Rowley.I have some,but I don't have all of the series.


Image result for star darlings book
It's my favourite character,by the way-w-
Maybe,it's kinda weird because this book is for children,but it's true!I like to read star darlings book but just sometimes...Ya,I just read sometimes😕Why?because I must study and do the very annoying homework😢There are 12 series that can you collect.This book is made by Shana Muldoon Zappa & Ahmet Zappa.

There some book that I like.
Hope you like it😚

Saturday, November 9, 2019

New game that I found

New game that I found

Image result for sakura school simulator
I found a game at youtube and I download it.And that game was "Sakura School Girl Simulator".It was so fun,we can choose how high was the resolution of the picture.There are a lot of place in this game.We can have a boyfriend😹,married(for the first time,I found a game that the player can married😬),and of couse study😭😭😭.There are a lot choice of cloth.This is the third game that I like.But,there is some problem.If we kick or kill someone in school girl simulator,teacher or Naoko will kill or arrested,but in sakura school girl simulator,we can get killed by police.But,I still like this game^-^.There is a tutorial video..

School Girl Simulator information and tips

Related imageSchool Girl Simulator

School Girl Simulator is a second game that I like after Gacha Life,but of course I more like Gacha Life.Let's talk about the information first.

School Girl Simulator is a game that make from Meromsoft.We can take the player that we like because there is some choice.We can choose and arrange the hair,hair colour,eye colour and the costume.We can choose how many student in the school as we like.There is some place that maybe you like for example a burger restaurant,maid cafe,beach,saloon,clothing store,furniture store,amusement,shrine,hot spring,and of course the school like the title😂😅😜.In school girl simulator,there some tips that maybe some people don't know like me😢.Here some tips for you😊😊😊😊😊😊😊


We can make a boyfriend or girlfriend(if you choose the boy) in school girl simulator.But the question is,how?I found a video that maybe can you do

this is embarassing,but I can't do that😭
But,I found the easier way:
1.Choose someone that you like.
2.Praise him/her as many as you can
3.Give him/her some bag that you can find in classroom
4.Pick a notepac from teacher room
5.Bring a choco from your house
6.Put bag and notepac first,after that praise him/her
7.Put the choco on his/her desk and confess to him/her will and you done

After you have a boy friend,you will ask he/she to married right?😏
I found a video how to married in school girl simulator


At the last video,we must to be graduate before we married,but how?and I found the video(again)about how to graduate.


I know we want our player to still alife,but in some condition we must to die...
Here some ways to die in school girl simulator..
There was some tips from GachaAionna...I hope this tips was useful for you...

Friday, November 8, 2019

Tanggal 28 Oktober

Image result for gambar sumpah pemudaTanggal 28 Oktober

Tanggal 28 Oktober merupakan hari yang penting bagi bangsa Indonesia,mengapa?karena tanggal 28 Oktober merupakan hari sumpah pemuda.Sumpah Pemuda adalah satu tonggak utama dalam sejarah pergerakan kemerdekaan Indonesia .         Ikrar ini dianggap sebagai kristalisasi semangat untuk            menegaskan cita-cita berdirinya negara Indonesia.               Sejak 1959, tanggal 28 Oktober ditetapkan sebagai Hari Sumpah Pemuda, yaitu hari nasional yang bukan hari libur yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia melalui Keppres No. 316 Tahun 1959 tanggal 16 Desember 1959 untuk memperingati peristiwa Sumpah Pemuda.
Berikut video tentang lahirnya sumpah pemuda...
Saat sumpah pemuda,ada beberapa tokoh yang penting dalam sumpah pemuda.Inilah video tentang tokoh-tokoh sumpah pemuda.
Sekian informasi tentang sumpah pemuda dari saya.Semoga artikel berikut berguna bagi anda.
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